Impacts is a young consultancy company born in 2010 as an ENEA spin off with the objective of creating a market for different decision support systems developed by several of its members  in cooperation with  ENEA researchers along various EC funded Projects (e.g FP4 COMMUTE and ESTEEM Projects, and FP5 ISHTAR and HEARTS Projects). During his life the company has worked for the provision of technical support to the public administrations in order to fulfil the needs in the environmental and energetic field. The company has worked also in different European Projects such as CIP MOMO Car Sharing  (under contract to ENEA) and MARATHON (under contract to TRAIN Consortium).  The company is focussed on  the development of energetic and environmental software models for the evaluation of the impacts of the Transport systems, and more in general for the evaluation of the environmental and socio economic impacts of the energetic systems. 



Our mission is the energetics systems impact evaluation through integrated and innovative solutions



Our vision is to build a team of skilled professionals, operating globally, who will drive the growth of a leading global company focussed on designing and managing sustainable energy systems.


<<< Ing. Emanuele Negrenti (ENEA) Responsabile
sviluppo strategico
+39 335 6282657

<<< Prof. Stefano Carrese (Università di Roma III) Leader area
tematica trasporti
+39 335 5265149


<< +34 619345063


<<< Ing. Antonio Parenti (ASTRAN S.r.l.) AD e manager dell’area
‘impatti urbani’
+39 347 3996889


<<< Professional Service and Management S.r.l. con sede legale in Montalto di Castro (VT), responsabile del settore energie rinnovabili; sviluppo, progettazione e realizzazione.  +39 0766 830194,




TEE CODE: an advanced software for the pollutant emissions, noise and accident  calculation coming from vehicular traffic at different levels; local, regional and national. Actually this code is used by different local public administrations.

TRANDI CODE: software for the pollutants emission, noise and accident calculation produced  by multimodal transport systems on a regional, national and continental scale.

SUITE ISHTAR: integrated software for the evaluation of different impacts of the transport systems (consumption, pollutants emission, noise, accident, air quality, health and monumental assets damage) aimed to design and avaluate the possible solution strategies.

All these products come from European Projects financed by the European Community.



IMPACTS S.r.l.  Spin off  ENEA  from 2010 to 2023

IMPACTS S.r.l.  Spin off  ENEA  from 2010 to 2023